Anne Arundel County – General Development Plan Land Use Change Applications due by November 15, 2019

As part of the process of adopting the new General Development Plan for Anne Arundel County, the Office of Planning and Zoning has opened the public filing period for submitting Land Use Change Applications.  The deadline to submit an application is November 15, 2019.  Land Use designations dictate how a particular property may be used and effectively set the stage for how properties may be zoned during the comprehensive rezoning which follows the adoption of the new General Development Plan.

The Land Use and Zoning attorneys at Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, LLP are closely monitoring the General Development Plan in Anne Arundel County. If you are seeking to change the use or zoning of a property through the General Development Plan process or if you are concerned that your property may be impacted, we encourage you to reach out to us if we can be of assistance in any way. Contact Adam Baker at 410-727-6600 or email

Adam D. Baker
