Nineteen RMG Attorneys Recognized by ALM Washington D.C. & Baltimore’s Top Rated Lawyers for 2012

Nineteen Rosenberg Martin Greenberg attorneys have been recognized by ALM Washington D.C. & Baltimore’s Top Rated Lawyers for 2012 in the following areas:

  • Bankruptcy: Lou Ebert, Bill Hallam
  • Business & Commercial: Doug Furlong, Gerry Gaeng, Stuart Rombro, Ben Rosenberg, Gail Stern, David Wyand
  • Criminal Law: Jerry Martin
  • Medical Malpractice: Andy Baida
  • Real Estate Law: Stanley Fine, Barry Greenberg, Patrick Martyn, Hilary O’Connor, Cindy Spell

ALM is a subsidiary of Lexis Nexis, and the Top Rated Lawyers list is said to be “the definitive guide to legal representation in Washington D.C. and Baltimore.”

Barry C. Greenberg

Founder & Partner