At Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, we have extensive experience representing both sellers and buyers of individual loans, loan groups, and large loan pools. We work with banks, private funds, and guarantors. Our team efficiently handles due diligence for loan pools, assisting buyers in making informed purchasing decisions and determining pricing.
Comprehensive Purchase Agreements
Our expertise ensures the creation of sophisticated and effective purchase agreements for both sellers and buyers. For purchasers, we identify documentation and collateral deficiencies, which are crucial for negotiating the purchase price.
Benefits of Note Sales
Selling notes provides lenders with immediate liquidity, allowing them to reinvest funds and create more loans before earlier loans are paid off. This flexibility is particularly valuable in changing financial circumstances or when collateral deteriorates. Note sales can also relieve lenders from loan servicing duties, either by retaining the servicing rights or transferring them to the note purchaser.
Compliance in Note Sales
Compliance with federal and state statutes is essential in note sales. Failure to comply may entitle the purchaser to rescind the purchase if they regret the decision post-closing. RMG attorneys ensure clients meet all statutory requirements for these transactions.
Purchasing Real Estate Notes
The secondary mortgage market, particularly post-2000s housing crash, offers opportunities to buy mortgage notes at discounted prices with potentially higher yields. Buyers can purchase individual loans or mortgage pools. Larger pools require extensive due diligence, including evaluating loan documentation quality, collateral, and guarantees.
Industry Leaders in Note Sales
Rosenberg Martin Greenberg is a leading authority in note sales. We are committed to helping your corporate interests thrive with our expertise and dedicated service. Contact us to learn how we can support your note sales and secondary market transactions.