Our commercial litigation attorneys have extensive experience representing lenders, creditors, asset sellers, landlords, property purchasers, credit unions, banks, creditor committees, and small businesses. Our services include:

  • Collection Actions: Recovering outstanding debts through legal proceedings to ensure you receive the payments owed to you.
  • Confess Judgment Actions: Streamlining the debt recovery process by obtaining a judgment without the need for a lengthy trial when allowed by law and provided for in your loan documents.
  • Injunctive Relief: Seeking court orders to prevent ongoing or imminent harm to your financial interests.
  • Replevin Actions: Recovering possession of property wrongfully taken or withheld.
  • Attachments and Levies: Securing assets to satisfy a judgment or pending claim.
  • Receivership Actions: Appointing a receiver to manage and preserve assets during litigation.

Resolving Complex Commercial Disputes

Commercial litigation covers a broad spectrum of legal issues under both state and federal law. Our attorneys are skilled in addressing:

  • Breach of Contract: Enforcing agreements and seeking remedies for contractual violations.
  • Negligence and Fraud: Addressing issues of misrepresentation and breaches of duty that impact your financial interests.
  • Statutory Violations: Navigating federal and state laws to protect your rights and pursue claims.
  • Shareholder Disputes: Resolving conflicts among business owners to protect your investments.
  • Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Defending your business against wrongful actions by competitors.
  • Foreclosure and UCC Enforcement: Protecting your security interests and recovering collateral.

Strategic Counsel in Bankruptcy Litigation

Bankruptcy cases present unique challenges for creditors. Our team provides robust representation in:

  • Complaints to Determine Dischargeability and Objecting to Discharge: Ensuring that debts are not wrongfully discharged in bankruptcy.
  • Relief from Stay: Obtaining court permission to continue collection efforts despite the automatic stay.
  • Sale and Use of Collateral: Ensuring that your interests are protected when a borrower seeks to use or sell your collateral in a bankruptcy case.
  • Objections to Exemptions and Plan Confirmation: Challenging improper claims and ensuring fair repayment plans.