Depth is Crucial

Our diversity in handling litigation matters relating to many facets of real estate law provides a unique source of "one-stop shopping" when an experienced litigator makes the difference. Whether it relates to land use disputes, real estate development contract litigation, resolving title insurance rights and obligations, or construction contracting and defect disputes, our experienced lawyers stand ready to render high-quality legal advice and, where necessary, fight aggressively to advance your interests.

Proficiency Counts

Our practitioners have years of experience resolving claims in all manner of dispute resolution. Whether it is at the administrative level, arbitration, or complex litigation in state or federal court, our experienced attorneys have been battle tested to obtain the best and most cost-effective result for you without having to pay for someone to learn on the job.

Credibility, knowledge of the courts, experience, attention to detail and strategic thinking affect the outcome of legal controversies. Whether you are trying to avoid litigation or need a persuasive and tenacious advocate in court, you want us on your side.